Terms & Conditions

  • Ownership of content and copyright permission

    You agree that any content that is part of the project is yours or belongs to an adult or child that you are responsible for. By releasing items for scanning, converting, organising or backup, you acknowledge that you own the copyright to the images/media or that you have obtained the written permission of the copyright owner.

    Priors Photos does not wish to knowingly, or otherwise, breach a professional photographer’s copyright.
  • Confidentiality

    Priors Photos operate a professional and confidential service and will never divulge any client information to third parties without prior written consent.

    I undertake never to publish your photographs or images on any of our websites or with any third-party company or third-party website without your permission. Your confidentiality is a priority.

    If the services I am providing involve your digital image library I am likely to need you to provide log on details for us to access the appropriate files. These details will only be used for this specific task, and they will be kept securely and in confidence.
  • Prices

    Prices will vary over time. You will be charged according to the price list you were issued which will remain valid for three months from the date of issue.
  • Good faith estimate

    All work is individually priced, and estimates may well vary depending on the scope of the individual project.

    If it looks like I might run over the estimated hours/price, I will discuss the impact, next steps and variations to the agreed package.
  • Supplies

    Any additional supplies or costs needed that are not indicated in the Letter of Engagement, must be approved by the client prior to purchase. This could include but is not limited to things such as storage devices or media conversion.
  • Payment rates and terms

    Payment can be made by cash, cheque or bank transfer.

    Invoices should be settled on the date of the invoice. A receipt will be emailed to you within 2 days of payment.
  • Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

    I hold public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

    I endeavour to take all reasonable care when dealing with your photographs/media. However, please note that the handling of delicate photographs/media may lead to degradation. I aim to keep this to a minimum.

    As photograph storage and/or albums can be fragile due to age, I cannot guarantee against minor damage to these during photograph removal/insertion, if applicable.

    I always endeavour to produce the best quality scans and/or conversion of analogue media, although the quality of the finished scan or conversion will be restricted by the quality of the original material provided to us. I cannot be held responsible for failing to scan or convert media to a sufficient level if the original media is damaged or of poor quality.

    If you are not satisfied with the results of the digital media service that I provide, please notify us either by email or by telephone within the 30-day period following the completion of our service. I will fully investigate and will attempt to correct any issues by rescanning.  Please note that scan quality can only be as good as the image being scanned. I do not offer any financial reimbursement or compensation.

    Any advice from Priors Photos is given in good faith with the aim of helping you in your decision whether to keep particular images, or not. I therefore cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of such decisions.
  • Cancellation policy

    If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, please give us at least 24 hours’ notice. I will endeavour to give clients 24 hours’ notice if I need to reschedule the session.

    If you notify us of a delay, of 30 minutes or more, to the start of our session within two hours of our scheduled start time, I reserve the right to charge for our lost time.
  • Travel policy

    Travel to pick up clients’ materials from locations more than 20 miles from CV47 7RH will incur mileage costs at a rate of 45p per mile.

    If you do not want us to collect your materials, I do not accept any liability for damage or loss for any items that have been sent to us or returned by us through Royal Mail, a courier service or any other third-party company.
  • “Before and After” photo release

    I may request to take before, during and after photos of your project (without disclosing faces or names) or request a client testimonial from you. If you agree for me to take photos or to give me a testimonial, these will only be published on my website and social media accounts with your explicit consent.
  • Disposal of client’s property

    All items will be returned to you at the end of the project. I will not dispose of any printed photos. I do not dispose of electronic or outdated media.

    I will keep all digital media on our secure internal data server for 60 days after the completion of our service unless otherwise requested. I reserve the right to charge for longer periods of time. After 60 days, all digital media will be permanently deleted.
  • Security

    All precautions will be taken to prevent digital virus transmission; however, it is the clients’ responsibility to ensure their own devices are adequately virus protected.

    I will collect, process, store and share your data safely and securely. I use a variety of physical, electronic and technical measures to ensure this – all of which prevent unauthorised access to, use of, or disclosure of your personal information, including but not limited to:

    • Password protection

    • Use of secure sites only

    • Up-to-date anti-virus software
  • Code of Ethics

    As a member of The Photo Managers, Priors Photos are committed to adhering to their Codes of Ethics. This document is available on request.